What’s New in Rhino 6 for Windows? [With Highlighted Videos, Tutorials, and Resources]

Published on May 11, 2018. Written by: Pauline Tang

The wait is finally over! Rhino 6 for Windows is the next iteration of the 3D modeler packed with new features and improvements to enhance your modeling experience. The new version makes you more productive while helping you present your best work.

Let’s look at the highlights of the new features that Rhino 6 for Windows have to offer.

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Rhino 6 for Windows New Features and Improvements

  1. Grasshopper

    Rhino 6 Windows Grasshopper

    The biggest update to Rhino 6 for Windows is that Grasshopper is no longer beta. It’s a stable development environment fully integrated into the latest version of the CAD modeling software.

    Grasshopper is a graphical algorithm editor tightly integrated with Rhino’s 3D modeling tools. It provides the foundation for many third-party components ranging from environmental analysis to robotic control.

    Grasshopper Guides

    Want to learn more on Grasshopper and what it has to offer?

    Check out the Grasshopper guides from the Rhino Developers. It explains more about what Grasshopper does and how to get started.

    Grasshopper Video Tutorials

    If you are interested in learning more about Grasshopper capabilities, David Rutten, the creator of Grasshopper, has a 13 part series of video tutorial basics that will help you build a foundational understanding of Grasshopper.

    New Components

    Rhino 6 for Windows have new components including Make2D, Symbol Display, Bend, Flow, Maelstrom, Splop, Splorph, Stretch, Taper, and Twist.

    Lab for Architectural Singularity demonstrates a few of these components in this video playlist.


    Kangaroo, the interactive dynamic relaxation solver/physics engine, is now included in Rhino 6 for Windows.

    Here’s a quick video demonstration of Rhino 6 and Kangaroo 2 in action.

    High DPI

    Rhino 6 now supports High DPI displays.

    High DPI
    Multi-Threaded Components
    Multi-Threaded Components

    Some components now use using parallel computing to solve much faster.

    dental scanning

    GhPython is also included in Rhino 6 for Windows and it features its own GHA compiler and a major node-in-code speed up.

    In-Depth Video Tutorial: Designing a Water Bottle with Rhino 6 and Grasshopper

    Want to see the new Rhino 6 in action with Grasshopper? This video session from Rhino will demonstrate a model built from scratch using the popular water bottle model.

    Watch Video
  2. Presentation Improvements

    Rhino 6 Presentation Improvements

    Show off your best work! Rhino 6 aims to present your work in such a way that communicates your ideas across effectively and get buy-ins from clients, customers, and collaborators. It now easier and faster to present, discuss, and make decisions, and iterate with people you work with.

    Quickly Capture Your Ideas

    With snapshots you can save and return to the states of the appearance your model.

    Better Materials Library

    It’s now easier to create and assign materials with the revamped materials library:

    • Access to hundreds of textured materials–now easily identified with a better naming system
    • All of the materials are real-world–no need to fiddle around
    • “Tag and search” for materials in the Material Editor
    • Search/filter by name, tag, or even by the notes in the material itself
    • Add custom tags to those you use to sort them into groups that are meaningful to you, like favorites
    Real-Time Rendering Raytraced Viewport Mode

    Rhino 6 now supports fast, interactive raytracing in the viewport. The software is GPU-accelerated for CUDA and OpenCL graphics cards.

    Video Tutorial: Modeling and rendering a simple glass with Rhino 6

    This video tutorial shows how to model and render a simple glass (reflective and transparent surface) and water using Rhino 6 for Windows. The latest version has Clarity Controls for reflections and transparency, and even mirrored textures.

    Watch Video
  3. Display and Rendering Improvements

    Rhino 6 Display and Rendering Improvements

    Rhino’s new display pipeline is faster, more stable, and uses features found on modern graphics hardware, like GPU sensitive shaders and memory optimizations. This results in fewer GPU-specific display glitches and more consistent, beautiful, and frequent frames, even with large models. In some conditions, display speed can be up to 300% faster.

    Horizontal axis represents time to regenerate the view 100 times. Shorter bars are better.

    Speed and Performance Improvements: Comparing Rhino 6 to Rhino 5

    Here is a short video showing the performance improvement comparison between Rhino 5 and Rhino 6. The video shows for that particular task, Rhino 6 is 100 x faster than Rhino 5.

    Video Tutorial: Display and Rendering Improvements

    If you want to learn more on the display and rendering improvements for Rhino 6 for Windows, this in-depth video tutorial shows its capabilities using a car as an example.

    Watch Video
  4. Refinements in Documentation

    Rhino 6 Refinements in Documentation

    Modeling is just one part of the design process. You also need to show how to build your design. It’s now easier to accurately and clearly convey the what and the how of your designs.

    Changes include:

    • Display: Faster, crisper on-screen display in model views and layouts.
    • Annotation-Style Interface: Control the look of dimensions, leaders, and text with annotation styles. Update your drawing look by changing the properties of the dimension styles assigned to each annotation object.
    • Rich Text: Lets you set multiple fonts, bold, italic, and underline in a single block of text.
    • Fields: Support to display data from the document or objects in text and annotations.
    • Tolerance options: Plus/plus, symmetrical, and deviation.
    • Stacked fractions: Now supported in all annotations (For example: 10½ ).
  5. Bugs and Refinements

    In Rhino 6 for Windows, there are hundreds of minor bug fixes and streamlined similar features into single commands, making Rhino much more refined and efficient to work with.


    Make2D has been completely rewritten to provide faster, better, cleaner, more customizable results. Make2D is a command that’s especially powerful for architects and designers. You can take 3D models from any view and make a 2D drawing out of it to take into Illustrator or AutoCAD.

These are only some of the highlighted features and improvements for Rhino 6 for Windows. If you have any questions about Rhino 6 or Rhino in general, please feel free to contact our technical specialist and they would be happy to help out.

Best Deals for Rhino 6 for Windows

We offer the best price for Rhino 6 for Windows at GoMeasure3D.

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What about Rhino 6 for Mac?

There is still some time before Rhino 6 is released for Mac so the latest version currently for Mac is Rhino 5. At this time, there’s no update as to when Rhino 6 for Mac will be released. We’ll keep you posted when the there is an expected date for Rhino 6 for Mac release.

Image and information source: www.rhino3d.com

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