Webinar Alert: 3D Scanning Small Objects With Amazing Results

Published on March 8, 2021. Written by: Pauline Tang

3d scanning small objects

3D scanning small objects is one of the trickier projects to tackle. It’s not easy to capture all the fine details while getting an accurate 3D model that truly represents the physical object in all its glory on such a small scale.

Are you looking to scan small objects such as small machine parts, artifacts, fossils, dental castings, gears, teeth, jewelry? In this webinar, we’ll dive into common questions about 3D scanning small objects, as well as cover what types of issues you would likely encounter and how to solve them.

3D Scanning Small Objects with Amazing Results

Thursday, March 18, 2021
(1PM EST / 10AM PST)
Duration: 1 Hour

* Can’t attend live? You should still register! We’ll send out slides and the recording after the webinar.

We’ll cover:
  • Object Size: How small of an object can you really scan with a 3D scanner?
  • Stationary vs. Handheld 3D Scanners: Which one should you use for the object you want to scan?
  • Accuracy vs. Resolution: What are the best practices for scanning small objects for high accuracy (metrology/inspection) or high resolution (3D modeling/visualization)?
  • Tips and Tricks: How to not lose tracking while 3D scanning small objects? What’s the best approach when it comes to scanning small parts?
  • Live Q&A: Type in your questions at any time and we’ll answer them in the webinar.
3d scanning squirrel skull
Our team scanned a small squirrel skull with the Artec Micro. Total scanning time: 8 minutes 30 seconds. Processing time: 12 minutes. Interact with the 3D model on Sketchfab
This webinar is ideal for anyone:
  • looking to get better results and speed up their 3D scanning process
  • who is looking to buy a 3D scanner for scanning small objects and want to know which 3D scanner is best for their application
You can watch the webinar on demand by filling the form below:

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* We respect your privacy. All attendees will remain anonymous during the webinar (your video and audio will be disabled). If you have a question you want us to answer in the webinar, we ask that you type your questions to our moderator and we’ll answer them live.

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